Andrei Manoilo: Skripal Readings as an Example of a Special Operation to Intercept the Information Agenda
Posted on 18 May, 2020 by CEO
Today, the attention of a significant part of scientific community is attracted to the study of principles of formation and implementation of the governmental policy in special conditions, including its forms, methods and mechanisms for responding to new challenges and threats in the field of information. Today, such challenges and threats include, first of all, information, hybrid and trade wars , including their structural components, i.e., information and psychological operations (as...

How much the scalp of a US soldier is
Posted on 9 July, 2020 by CEO
The CIA disclosed some state secrets to use them as a decoy The New York Times (NYT), an influential American newspaper, published an article entitled “Russia Secretly Offered Afghan Militants Bounties to Kill US Troops, Intelligence Says”. Referring to their own sources in the US Intelligence, the authors of this article (Charlie Savage, Eric Schmitt, Michael Schwirtz) argue that Russian military intelligence (the Main Directorate of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces, the...

Russian hackers broke into the systems of the United States Department of the Treasury and Department of Commerce
Posted on 16 December, 2020 by CEO
The Russian Embassy in the United States has already called the accusations against Moscow baseless. They recalled that Vladimir Putin offered to restore bilateral relations in the field of international information security, but Russia did not receive a response from the United States According to Reuters and the Washington Post, Russian hackers broke into the systems of the US Department of the Treasury and the National Telecommunications and Information Administration, a division of...