#information warfare

Masters of Political Science – Officers of Information and Hybrid Conflicts
Posted on 28 April, 2020 by CEO
Roman Romachev, President of R-Techno, a private intelligence company, took part in the training of graduate students of Sevastopol State University in information and hybrid conflicts. Roman Vladimirovich gave a course and a series of hands-on classes, titled “Intelligence Operations Control in Information and Hybrid Warfare.” The course sparked a strong interest among the students who learnt the things no one ever told them about – anonymity in subversive activities in the information...

Modern-Day Information Warfare and Hybrid War Operations
Posted on 17 June, 2021 by CEO
Author: Andrey V. Manoilo – 09/06/2021 Abstract Objective. A study of the latest practices (forms, methods, tools, and technologies) of information operations, specificities of their hybridization, as well as the newest forms and methods of counteroperation. Procedures and Methods. The increasing militarization of the information space leads to changes in the views toward forceful methods of changing the geopolitical balance. This, in turn, results in genuine technological...