
Dollar, Oil, War: The Geopolitical and Geoeconomic Secrets of Global Capital

    Опубликовано 3.12.2014 Автор CEO

    With the tumultuous changes that have been taking place on the world stage since the globalization decade of the 1990s and the world-crisis decade of the 2000s, International Relations scholars, investors (especially those who are heavily exposed to global risks), and political decision-makers have acknowledged their ever greater need for strategic intelligence and for a body of theory that assist them in their quest to understand contemporary events. This geopolitical and geoeconomic report, written by Dr Nicolas Laos, a Partner (expert on Geopolitics and Global Security) of R-Techno and the Chairman of the Research Institute for Noopolitical and Geopolitical Studies (RINGS), provides the reader with significant intelligence, insight, and analyses with regard to the following issues: (11) the genealogy of the petrodollar system and of the established economic world order; (2) the merging of national security policy, energy policy, and monetary policy into a unified field; (3) the 2014 secret agreement between the U.S.A. and Saudi Arabia about Syria; (4) the systemic weaknesses and risks of the U.S. economy and particularly of the U.S. dollar; (5) the manipulation of oil prices; (6) the secret geoeconomic agreement between U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry and Saudi King Abdullah that took place during their meeting in September 2014; (7) the panorama of chaos in the Arabo-Islamic world and the secret plans of the U.S. Neoconservatives and of the Zionists for the Middle East; (8) the economic models and strategies of the U.S. President Barack Obama and of the German Chancellor Angela Merkel; (91) the flaws of Obama’s quantitative easing model; (110) the flaws of Merkel’s monetarist model; (111) the need for a new economic architecture and the roles of the BRICS and of the Eurasian Economic Union.


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