Masters of Political Science – Officers of Information and Hybrid Conflicts
نشرت 28 04, 2020 مؤلف CEO
Roman Romachev, President of R-Techno, a private intelligence company, took part in the training of graduate students of Sevastopol State University in information and hybrid conflicts. Roman Vladimirovich gave a course and a series of hands-on classes, titled “Intelligence Operations Control in Information and Hybrid Warfare.” The course sparked a strong interest among the students who learnt the things no one ever told them about – anonymity in subversive activities in the information...
安德烈·马诺伊洛 - “R-Techno”私人情报公司的合伙人、莫斯科大学教授,主持建立了信息化混合战争实验室。
نشرت 12 05, 2020 مؤلف CEO
安德烈·马诺伊洛 - “R-Techno”私人情报公司的合伙人、莫斯科大学教授,主持建立了信息化混合战争实验室。 实验室将处理: 对高素质人员进行信息化混合战争行动的组织和实施培训,包括旨在拦截战略和战术水平上的主动性行动; 发展一种系统的方法来组织国内和国际反信息化混合战争行动; 为了最高级别的国家机构利益,组织该领域的研究(反信息,混合战争和贸易战)。 当前已经在试运行一个独一无二的教育系统-“信息化混合冲突”系统,该系统得到了塞瓦斯托珀尔国立大学研究生和教师们的最高评价。 实验室有一个全球性目标-为俄罗斯联邦成立反信息化战争、反心理战系统建立创建人才储备,该储备已在俄罗斯联邦组建。 实验室也会参与商业活动。实验室近期的一些计划中有举办实用的讲习班和培训以保护公司在信息领域声誉的活动。 还为许多大型公司准备了个人公司计划,这些公司在实践中已经遇到了使用信息武器对付品牌或公司领导人商业声誉的情况。 https://r-techno.com/ru/laboratory/
How to restructure political economy (And why it has to be done)
نشرت 6 10, 2022 مؤلف CEO
Political economy is a social science that studies production of economic wealth, trade (of goods and services), and distribution of income as well as their relationship with the political and legal system. Moreover, it is the study of the manner in which economic theories affect different socio-economic systems as well as the creation and implementation of public policy. Like many other social scientists, I agree with Kurt Lewin’s assertion that there is nothing as practical as a good...
Today we gather to commemorate the 20th anniversary of R-Techno, our private intelligence agency
نشرت 1 08, 2023 مؤلف CEO
Dear friends, Throughout these two decades, we have navigated various challenges including a number of financial crises, an epidemic, a military conflict, to name just a few. Despite these turbulent environments, we have succeeded in establishing ourselves as a leading professional entity within our industry. Our voice is sought after, our techniques are emulated, and we serve as a role model for others in our field. In recent years, R-Techno has undergone significant organizational...
نشرت 1 08, 2023 مؤلف CEO
尽管大环境“动荡不安”(多次金融危机、疫情、特殊军事行动等),但我们已在其中工作了二十年,我们成功地证明了自己是一个行业的专业参与者,我们的意见被采纳,经验被学习和应用。 在过去几年中,«R-Techno»公司的组织结构经历了一系列重大改革。公司管理层仔细研究了我们战略对手的成功经验和失败经验,并得出结论。布莱恩·克罗泽和拉尔夫·范德曼等私人情报公司管理者的成功经验为新的组织结构概念奠定了基础。如今的«R-Techno»—是一个网络中心情报代理机构,主要致力于在更大程度上支持俄罗斯联邦在隐形混合战线和信息战线上的国家利益。 感谢这些年来一直支持我们的所有人。 让我们继续努力!
أصدقائي الأعزاء، تحتفل اليوم شركة «آر- تكنو» بمرور 20 عاماً على تأسيسها
نشرت 1 08, 2023 مؤلف CEO
الترجمة من الروسية إلى العربية على الرغم من كل "الاضطراب" المجتمعية (الأزمات المالية، والأوبئة، والعملية العسكرية الخاصة وما إلى ذلك) التي كنا نعمل فيها طوال هذين العقدين، فقط تمكنت الشركة من ترسيخ نفسها كمشارك محترف في الصناعة التي يتم التطلع إليها والاستماع إلى رأيها وأخذ خبراتها وتطبيقاتها في محمل الجد. على مدى السنوات القليلة الماضية خضع الهيكل المؤسسي لشركة «آر- تكنو» لعدد من الإصلاحات التنظيمية الهامة. اطلعت إدارة الشركة بعناية فائقة على التجارب الناجحة والسلبية لخصومنا...
The U.S. Proxy Intelligence. Humanitarian Front
نشرت 19 02, 2024 مؤلف CEO
This is the first book introducing the Proxy Intelligence concept, which focuses on the U.S. non-profit intelligence actors, such as NPOs/NGOs, foundations, and even parties. A sequel to The History of the U.S. Private Intelligence, this book exposes intelligence activities of private non-profit organizations. Simply put, this is a detailed file of the U.S. private intelligence industry gathered by OSINT methods. The book will interest a wide audience of journalists, public officials,...