+7 495 723 0119


    "R-Techno" is open for all kinds of the winning relationships:
    1. "Advisory Cooperation" affiliate program
    If you are possessing an information, carrying some unique knowledge and technologies, then, certainly, you should describe the nature of you knowledge and contact us by e-mail: moscow[at]r-techno[dot]com. We’ll be sure to contact you to discuss the cooperation type.
    Proven experience: organization of an information network that allows collecting the necessary information on a timely basis.
    2. "Recommendation to the colleagues" affiliate program
    If someone from your professional circles might be interested in our services, we’ll be glad if you give a recommendation to establish business relations with our company. We guarantee you an agent’s fee of 3% of the signed contract or some free additional advisory services.
    3. "Regional Partner" affiliate program
    Our company is interested in evaluation of regional and international network of representative offices. If you are a professional in business security and economic intelligence, and your business reputation in the region is high, then it will be of interest for us to establish partnership relations with you within the frame of the "Regional Partner" program.
    4. "State Partner" affiliate program
    The partnership between business and state representatives is one of the priority tasks of the government leaders.  Our company is ready to participate in such partnership relations with all the branches of government. We will be excited to propose unique mutual agreed conditions for joint decisions of any state tasks aimed at improving the competitiveness of the domestic economy.
    Proven experience: providing research and information support of the capital investment projects for the administration region.
    5. "Special Partner" affiliate program
    Organizing relationships with power structures and law enforcement agencies is one of the our priority tasks. Joint countering action against criminals and fraud will certainly affect the results. We are interested in effectivization of our work in this way.
    Proven experience: revealing organized crime group selling smoke; participating in the expert group of the power structure’s financial control division.
    6. "Educational partner" affiliate program
    We are interested in cooperation with education institutions with the purpose of bringing practical knowledge to students. We are ready to work up our own raising of qualification programs and to teaching activities for a specific course. Our specialists have a huge practical experience, which without a doubt will be interesting for students of all levels of training.
    Proven experience: reading the course of lectures about analytical work, business intelligence and economic security in some universities.

    7. "Mass media partner" affiliate program
    We are interested in cooperation with mass media in terms of appraisal and comments as well as in terms of preparation of exclusive materials. Our company’s point of view on one or another economical or political event will be also interesting to the final consumer of the information product. Considering special information awareness of our collective, a comment or an opinion will be different by its objectiveness and won’t have a stereotype character.
    Proven experience:  revealing the problem in mass media and attracting public attention to critical issues.